Sunday, March 15, 2015

Winter woods

In just over a week I have wandered through tropical woods in Thailand and now a snowy north woods in Maine, USA. Although it may seem that I seek out forested areas to explore, the fact is that I sometimes simply find myself in or near them and are drawn to their wondrous shapes, majestic yet serene bearing and intricately graceful lines. 

In this post, I share photos from two walks on successive days during late spring snowfalls that layered everything in a blanket of crystalline snow. How fortunate I am to have walked in two very different yet in many ways similar environments in a matter of days. There is something quite special about being alone in the woods no matter where they are.

All rights reserved. All photos © 2015 by John R Stiles. It is illegal to use these images without permission. For information regarding sales or buying one time or multiple use, please contact John Stiles at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. John,

    These are fantastic photographs . . . the essence of Winter.


  3. Amazing pics, John!!!
    What a wonderful gift of creativity you have.
